Zeta Beta Tau Foundation
Gift Planning: As Unique as You Are
By Faron A. Lewitt — Issue: Fall 2017

There is no one exactly like you. The interests you embrace, the people you care about, the causes you support … all these and more make you an original. And because you are unique, a personal approach to accomplishing long-term planning goals is paramount.
Examining individual options and priorities is a good place to start. In fact, it may be the most important step in beginning to realize philanthropic goals and personal plans for the future.
The Zeta Beta Tau Foundation has found that our supporters agree: a little gift planning knowledge goes a long way. Still, there are many alternatives to making outright gifts of cash or property, including future gifts and options that can allow you to make a larger gift than you ever imagined was possible.
There are a number of personal considerations to think about. Income may be one of them — especially for supporters who have enjoyed a sizeable bonus, an exceptional investment or windfall profits. Or, your personal planning might be focused on today’s financial needs, future needs, retirement planning, tax minimization, providing for heirs — the list could go on and on.
We invite you to take a few moments to review the gift options introduced on our website. Then, we encourage you to contact us. It would be our pleasure to work with you and your advisors. Together, we can explore personally satisfying strategies for meeting your charitable goals.