
Spotlight: Mike and Ben Cook

Giving back to ZBT is almost in the genetics of one of ZBT’s Undergraduate Supreme Councilors. Benjamin W. Cook, Epsilon Mu (University of Kansas) 2025, has been hearing about Brotherhood for a Lifetime since before he became a brother.

“I was fortunate enough to see our prized slogan throughout my whole life through my father,” Ben said of his dad, Michael E. Cook, Zeta Lambda (Stephen F. Austin State University) 1993. Mike was also an Undergraduate Supreme Councilor (1991-1993) and a team member on the ZBT staff in the mid-‘90s.

Ben said his dad and chapter brothers remain close, and he saw their bond as he was growing up in Dallas.

“But I did not have a full grasp on what it meant until I arrived at the University of Kansas and became a brother myself. Now finishing my fifth semester at KU and being able to serve as Chapter President and on the Supreme Council, I see what it means to have brothers for a lifetime, whether that is the brothers of Epsilon Mu with me right now or the brothers of Zeta Lambda that I have been surrounded by my whole life.” Ben said he didn’t just join ZBT because of his legacy connection – he shares the values of the Fraternity and our brothers and sees something special in ZBT.

The Fraternity is very grateful for the direction of the Cook family. Ben was Chapter President this past year, and his leadership at Epsilon Mu has earned the chapter great accolades, including the Edwin B. Meissner Award for Most Improved Chapter in 2023. Epsilon Mu has shown across-the-board improvements in operations, communications, finance, philanthropy and housing, but also the Chapter has improved its attitude, behavior, stability and Brotherly Love with Ben in the president’s role.

“One of my biggest priorities in life is to give back to organizations and people who have given so much to me and helped me grow as an individual. I also love being involved with something bigger than myself and representing an organization with values that align with my own,” Brother Ben Cook said.

Mike Cook has been a thrilled parent and great supporter of both Epsilon Mu and all of Zeta Beta Tau, helping guide the chapter from a parent’s angle and serving as a co-host at ZBT’s recent 125th anniversary alumni reception in Dallas. He and wife Tracy joined ZBT at 2023 International Convention, where they were able to share in Ben and the Chapter’s successes.

ZBT takes great pride in growing our family. The recruitment of legacies — sons, grandsons and brothers of any ZBT chapter or prospective chapter — helps ensure we identify young men of good character who embody the tenets of our Credo: Intellectual Awareness, Social Responsibility, Integrity and Brotherly Love. Recommend a potential brother at ZBT.org/refer!