Zeta Beta Tau Foundation
A Script Unlike Any Other
Issue: Spring 2018

When you think of “Beverly Hills Cop,” “Top Gun,” “Days of Thunder,” “Crimson Tide,” “The Rock,” “Armageddon,” “Black Hawk Down” and “Pirates of the Caribbean” you have some of biggest movie blockbusters of all time. The man behind all of these and many more amazing films is none other than our brother – Jerome (Jerry) L. Bruckheimer, Alpha Omicron (University of Arizona) 1965.
After an illustrious 40 plus year career practicing law in Phoenix, Ariz., Brother Lynn M. Pearlstein, Alpha Omicron (University of Arizona) 1965 wanted to find an investment that was unconventional and cutting edge. He and a business partner became angel investors in a virtual assistant company which flourished so much during their time as investors the company sold for a significant return.
You could not have scripted a better screenplay. After thirty years, two brothers were reunited with the help of Brother Jonathan H. Levin, Alpha Kappa (University of Wisconsin) 2002, who serves as the Vice President of Development for the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation. Bruckheimer and Pearlstein had kept in touch but due to their hectic work schedules had not actually seen one another in three decades.
The two chapter brothers caught up with each other as if no time had passed since they last saw each other. They reminisced about Alpha Omicron and all the great bands that played at the ZBT house in Tucson. The Beach Boys, The Turtles, and allegedly Wilson Pickett all played private shows at the ZBT house. Brother Pearlstein recollected with Brother Bruckheimer how they spent the weekend with The Dave Clarke Five in Tucson, all facilitated by Brother Jerry Kasenetz, Alpha Omicron (University of Arizona) 1964.
Brother Bruckheimer said of Brother Pearlstein, “Lynn [Pearlstein] was always fun to hang out with, with a good sense of humor and spirit of fellowship. I remember him and ZBT with a lot of affection and nostalgia for the great times we had.”
During the reunion visit, Brother Bruckheimer was very interested in learning about the Alpha Omicron Chapter and its status as well as the overall state of ZBT. Brother Levin also conveyed how proud ZBT is of Brother Bruckheimer’s accomplishments.
Brother Pearlstein said of Brother Bruckheimer, “Despite all of his success, influence, fame and fortune, he has remained the same nice guy [brother] that I knew in college.”
During the meeting Brother Pearlstein discussed how he recently came to learn about the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation, which is exclusively committed to educational and charitable purposes that assist the brothers of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. Brother Pearlstein felt the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation was worthy of his time and treasure and said, “We had a great time as undergraduates in the Alpha Omicron Chapter, and I feel that the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation is the best way to ensure that future generations can have a similar college experience with lifelong friends [and brothers].”
The reunion was a success by all accounts and more importantly, two Fraternity brothers got a chance to reunite and reminisce about their experiences at the University of Arizona and ZBT. It’s great to be a ZBT!