ZBT Leads the Fight to End Campus Rape Culture
By Jason A. Horowitz — Issue: Spring 2017

Over the past year, Zeta Beta Tau has greatly advanced the offerings in the area of sexual assault prevention programming. As part of our partnership with Jewish Women International, we have continued to raise awareness on campus about the dangers of sexual assault and dating abuse through our Safe Smart Dating and Green Light Go programs. In the 2016-2017 school year, our brothers have hosted Safe Smart Dating at more than 10 campuses and organized a similar number of Green Light Go events.
Since its inception, Safe Smart Dating has been one of ZBT’s most successful programs. Since the start of the fall 2016 semester, ZBT and our sorority partner, Sigma Delta Tau, have hosted the program on the following campuses: University of Illinois, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Ramapo College, University of California-Los Angeles, Emory University, Hofstra University, Kent State University, University of Michigan, Cornell University, University of Wisconsin, University of Kansas and Purdue University. We surpassed our goal of 10 campuses per school year and expect the demand for the program to grow significantly.
We continue to receive positive feedback regarding the program. One participant from UCLA stated, “The mixing of males and females in small discussion allows for the conversation about sexual assault topics that are normally taboo to talk about”. Another participant from Cornell said, “I liked that it was an opportunity to have this discussion with another Greek organization on campus, especially one of the opposite gender and one that we are relatively close to.”
Our second sexual assault awareness program, Green Light Go, is in its second year of existence. This event, which four chapters organized in its first year, has more than doubled in its second year, with several chapters hosting the event, including: Florida International University, Western Connecticut State University, The George Washington University, Washington University in St. Louis, Indiana University, Franklin and Marshall College, University of Tampa, Towson University, University of Pittsburgh and University of Denver.
“Green Light Go has given men a voice in promoting consent and helping to end sexual violence. It is exciting that guys are now involved in such a great movement to make college campuses safer for all,” said Tyler Dibastiani, Eta Kappa (Towson) ’18.
ZBT is proud to share we have been in the spotlight for our work in combating sexual assault and dating abuse organizationally and individually. Zeta Beta Tau recently was asked to author a Huffington Post op-ed for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, where we discussed the work ZBT is doing on campus combating sexual assault and dating abuse. That post can be found here.
We have also continued to strengthen our partnership with the It’s On Us campaign and are currently represented on their national Greek Leadership Council by brother Alex Zipper, Beta Psi (American University) ’19.