
Spotlight: Greenberg brothers at CWRU

Meet the Greenbergs, Zach and Lucas. These biological brothers are initiates of the Lambda Chapter at Case Western Reserve University

Zach is a sophomore (Class of 2025) pursuing a degree in computer science and is the current Brotherhood Development Director for the Lambda Chapter. Lucas is a freshman (Class of 2026), pursuing a degree in business and sports management. They are from the Cleveland suburbs.

Lucas said ZBT gave him a home away from home.

“When I first got to CWRU I didn’t know anyone, but the brothers of ZBT became my best friends. Also, my brother is in it so that helps,” he joked.

Via @zbtcwru

ZBT takes great pride in growing our family. The recruitment of legacies — sons, grandsons and brothers of any ZBT chapter or prospective chapter — helps ensure we identify young men of good character who embody the tenets of our Credo: Intellectual Awareness, Social Responsibility, Integrity and Brotherly Love. Recommend a potential brother at ZBT.org/refer!