Alumni & Chapter News
‘I would not be the man I am today without ZBT’
Issue: Fall 2022

Brother Matthew R. Myers, Alpha Omicron (University of Arizona) 2022, earned an international fraternity community award for his leadership and interfraternal excellence. Zeta Beta Tau is proud to celebrate this recognition.
This award is from the North American Interfraternity Conference. Zeta Beta Tau is a Governing Council organization for the NIC. The Undergraduate Award of Distinction seeks to recognize fraternity men who have found in their experience an outlet for developing as both a leader and a better man.
Brother Myers is a forward-thinking, responsible, focused student and leader. He not only served as Chapter President, he also actively participated in and served as president of the Bobcats Senior Honorary, the oldest organization at the University of Arizona, as well as many other roles on campus and within ZBT internationally.
A participant in weekly advisory calls with ZBT International Headquarters, he aided in discussions determining how to best serve brothers and chapters navigating shutdowns due to COVID-19. His accomplishments include oversight of a 180-brother chapter with an annual budget of $1 million; representing the Chapter to university faculty and leadership, including the Presidential Leadership Council; inspiring the Chapter to focus on academic achievement resulting in the most improved chapter GPA on campus; and more.
Watch: Brother Myers’ acceptance remarks
Before Brother Myers, just four ZBTs have earned this prestigious honor from the North American Interfraternity Conference:
- 2014: Jason J. Colombini, Eta Mu (California Polytechnic State University) 2014
- 2018: Douglas A. Abramowitz, Alpha Alpha (Purdue University) 2018
- 2019: Joshua I. Chodor, Omega (University of Missouri) 2019
- 2020: Maxwell K. Harberg, Lambda (University of Texas at Austin) 2020
ZBT celebrates undergraduate brothers
Roswell “Buddy” Messing Award for Most Outstanding Individual Brother
Brother Alexander P. Kanfer, Alpha Zeta (University of Florida) 2022, was named ZBT’s 2022 Roswell “Buddy” Messing Award recipient. The award is presented to the undergraduate man who most fully embodies the precepts of our Fraternity.
Brother Kanfer was a two-term Operations Director for Alpha Zeta. He served as an incredibly strong leader on his Executive Board, organizing and in several cases creating internal structures and governing documents, stepping up to assist the Chapter Presidents as needed. As a younger but larger Chapter, Alpha Zeta has strongly benefitted from the committees and events Brother Kanfer directly created.
Maine-Heffer Award for Most Outstanding Chapter President
Matthew I. Gutkin, Beta Phi (University of Pittsburgh) 2023, has spearheaded success within his Chapter that earned Beta Phi a Brummer Cup.
Brother Gutkin inspires others to work harder for the betterment of the Chapter, and he built open and honest communication between himself and every brother. Under his guidance, the Chapter showed incredible improvement, doubling in size and earning the top accreditation rating from the university. He was named Interfraternity Council president of the year among 19 groups.
This award for ZBT’s Most Outstanding Chapter President is named in honor of two brothers, Douglas L. Maine, Alpha Beta (Temple University) 1970, and Jerome Heffer, Delta of Phi Sigma Delta (New York University) 1925.
Phil Goodman Award for Outstanding Campus Leader
Owen R. Mane-Davies, Delta Lambda (Monmouth College) 2023, earned the Phil Goodman Award, presented to a brother who excels in campus leadership and involvement. He is involved across campus in areas such as student government, residence life and academic honorary societies. Brother Mane-Davies represents all that is good about being a ZBT. He is patient and dedicated to brothers, never giving up, driven to success and promoting the values of the Credo and Ritual in others.