The Future of ZBT Housing
By Laurence A. Bolotin — Issue: Fall 2016

Many undergraduate brothers are likely aware that $10 of their annual dues is a contribution to the National Permanent Endowment Fund (N.P.E.F.), but our brothers may not realize how impactful that contribution is to the future of ZBT.
On many campuses, having a physical structure is an important part of remaining competitive within the Greek community. The N.P.E.F. realizes that and, as a result, assembled a group of dedicated volunteers early in the calendar year to review the state of the N.P.E.F. and to offer recommendations on how it can continue to evolve as an organization dedicated toward providing housing for ZBT chapters and colonies on the campuses in which the Fraternity operates. The result of this planning process is one that the N.P.E.F. leadership is proud of and feels can be a true game-changer when looking at ways it can better support ZBT chapters who wish to be housed.
Coming out of that planning session was a very clear mission:
The N.P.E.F. furthers ZBT’s mission by identifying, cultivating, and supporting housing that supplements a comprehensive fraternity experience.
The N.P.E.F. seeks to provide chapters and colonies with the necessary resources to sustain and acquire, where appropriate, chapter housing solutions.
What does this mean in practice? It means that more of our undergraduates and alumni will soon have a place to call “home” on their campus, whether it’s for a home football weekend, an alumni reunion or an opportunity to show your son or grandson the place he may soon live.
The N.P.E.F. will focus on the following areas:
- National management of properties
- Consultation services with local housing corporations
- Training for undergraduate house managers to assist them in performing their jobs better
- Review real estate opportunities and purchase facilities, where appropriate and feasible
- Offer chapters the opportunity to apply for loans or lease guarantees on third party properties or for renovations of their current property
- Additional opportunities for ZBT brothers to lend their professional expertise in an area important to the Fraternity
- Collaboration with Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity and the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation
Several standing committees have been formed to help forward the progress of the strategic plan and we welcome additional support.
Committee opportunities include:
- Finance and Budget
- Executive Committee
- Corporate Governance
- Audit
- Education and Best Practices
- Strategic Planning
For more information on ways to get involved, or how to utilize the services of the National Permanent Endowment Fund, please contact N.P.E.F. Executive Director Laurence A. Bolotin, M.Ed., CAE, Alpha Zeta (University of Florida) ’01, at lbolotin@zbtnational.org.